Privacy Policy is committed to your privacy and respecting your need for appropriate protection and management of contact information you decide to share with us (“contact information” means any information by which someone could use to personally reach you, like your name, physical address, email, and phone number). This Privacy Policy informs you what information may collect from you, how we use such information, and the choices you may have regarding our use of, and your ability to review, correct and opt out of our use of, the information. This Privacy Policy applies to information we collect about you through our website. By using this website, mobile applications, or sharing your contact information with us in any way, you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this Privacy Policy. supports practices adopted by the Direct Marketing Association’s Privacy Promise to American Consumers, which encourages:

  • Providing customers with notice of their ability to opt out of information rental, sale or exchange with other marketers. does not rent, sell, or exchange your contact information with other marketers.
  • Honor your request not to share your information with other marketers
  • Honor your request not to receive mail, telephone or other solicitations. All contacts will be strictly for customer orders or inquiries. collects HTTP cookies. This data will be used for the following purposes:

  • Completion and support of the current activity.
  • Web site and system administration.
  • Research and development.
  • One-time tailoring.

This data will be used by ourselves and our agents. The following explanation is provided for why this data is collected: Cookies are used by our site to track visitors so we can understand how we can best serve you. We also use cookies to allow our server to maintain information about the contents of your shopping cart . We retain this information for one year and as required by state and federal law.

You are welcome to set your browser to a “no cookies” option. However, this may reduce our ability to provide you with the full range of services we have available for processing your orders and accepting user submission forms.

At the user’s option, we will also collect the following data:

  • Physical contact information
  • Online contact information
  • Purchase information

This data will be used for the following purposes:

  • Completion and support of the current activity (processing your merchandise orders and user submitted forms).
  • Research and development (to enhance our products and website content).

This data will be used by ourselves and our agents. In addition, the following types of entities will receive this information:

  • Delivery services. The user must opt-in to this data sharing.

Information we collect on an opt in basis in order to process your on-line purchases and user comment form submissions according to your preferences. In addition to our on-line options, you are welcome to use our off-line options (print and mail one of our order forms or user comment forms in our Customer Service section). We retain transactional information off-line according to state and federal requirements, currently held for a seven year period.

We have the following dispute resolution mechanism. If you think we have not followed our privacy policy in some way, we can help you resolve your concern. Please contact us to report any known or suspected privacy or security breaches or to submit any privacy related complaints or questions by sending an email to us. Upon receipt of your inquiry, we will contact you via email within five business days.

We invite you to contact us if you have questions about this privacy policy:

  • Email:

Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this page. By using this website you agree to the terms of this privacy policy. If you do not agree, do not use this website.